Oct 13 , 2021
Ten Cent Flower, our Puakenikeni

The Puakenikeni blossom is also known in the islands as the 10 cent flower.
During Hawai’s “Steamer Days” in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the Puakenikeni flower leis were so rare that they were sold for ten cents a piece by lei stringers at the docks.
It’s one of the few flowers that has three beautiful colors (and always one wonderful scent. The first day it’s creamy white, by the second it’s at buttery yellow and on the third it’s a creamy orange.
Lanikai’s Puakenikeni Jojoba lotion mist is perfect for Hawaiian summers-or anytime for that matter! With organic jojoba, kukui nut oil, vitamins C & E. Lightly nourishes your skin and moisturizes.
A scent that’s pure heaven!