Jan 01 , 2022
We love the scents of our beautiful islands
The sense of smell, we all know, is the most powerful of the five senses. People recall smells with a 65% accuracy after a year, while the visual recall of photos sinks to about 50% after only three months. Our odor memories frequently have strong emotional qualities and are associated with the good or bad experiences in which they occurred. Olfaction is handled by the same part of the brain (the limbic system) that handles memories and emotions.
We can immediately recognize and respond to smells from childhood such as the smell of clean sheets, cookies baking in the oven, the smell of new books or a musty room in Grandma’s house.” One of the most famous moments in literature records Proust’s immediate recollection of his childhood with the smell of petit madelines at the bakery.
At Lanikai Bath and Body, we know how important the sense of smell is — and we know that it shouldn’t be overwhelming. We’ve carefully developed our scents with an expert in horticulture, resulting in products that are light and remarkably true to original flowers and fruits. Even so, they are long lasting and as pleasing as our lotions are light.
Our Mango Coconut recalls a lazy day at the beach. Our Plumeria is the stuff of dreams of stepping off the plane in Hawaii.
We love the scents of our beautiful islands ~ we’ve translated them in special lotions, butters, salts, scrubs, shampoos and gels so you can enjoy them every day. BTW, the wonderful scents of Lanikai Bath and Body come with only good memories!